Principal Investigator

<< Butcher Lab   


Mark Thornhill - Biological Sciences Major

Krista Burns - BS, Biological Sciences YSU

Laura Kosiorek - BS, Biological Sciences YSU

Joe Rupert (@ IU School of Medicine, PhD)

Brett Aiello (@ U. Chicago, PhD)

Lexi Moore (@ UNLV, PhD)

Pano Hazimihalis (Johnson & Johnson, Biomedical Sales)


Matt Madgar (@ YSU, BS Biological Sciences)

Dylan Graban (@ YSU, BS Biological Sciences)

Samantha Atwood (@ Texas A&M, MS Biology)

Marc Gorvet (@ OU, DO)

Justin Hosseininejad (@ YSU, M. ME)

Joe Budny (@ YSU, MS Bio Sciences)

Carissa Bellflower (@ OSU, DVM)

Lisa Braden (@ NYCC, Chiropractic)

Kara Vitus (@ Southern College, Optometry)

David Drevna (@ OU, DO)

Bart White (@ NEOMED, MD)

Nathan Hudzik (DPT, YSU 2013)


Name: Michael T. Butcher, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Department of Biological Sciences

Youngstown State University

Contact: 4013 WBSH, 4011 WBSH (Lab)

  1. (330)941-2195

Courses Taught:

BIOL 3705 Intro Human Gross Anatomy

BIOL 3730L Human Physiology Lab

BIOL 4839/6998 Topics in Physiology

BIOL 4861 Senior Biology Capstone

BIOL 4850z Problems in Muscle Function

BIOL 6911 Comparative Biomechanics

BIOL 6991/94 Research Methods

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Graduate Students

Dylan R. Thomas

Dylan finished his BS in Biological Sciences at YSU in Spring 2013. He is studying development of MHC isoform expression in the prehensile tails of terrestrial opossums. His work involves collaborations with faculty at the IU School of Medicine and NEOMED.

Contact: 4011 WBSH,

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Jacob A. Rose

Jake finished his BS in Biological Sciences at YSU in Summer 2012. He is studying muscle architecture and MHC isoform fiber types in the hindlimb muscles of cotton tail rabbits. His work involves collaborations with faculty at NEOMED and the University of Akron.

Contact: 4011 WBSH,

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Undergraduate Assistants

Joseph V. Copploe

Joe finished his BS in Biological Sciences and Chemistry at YSU in Spring 2012. He is studying patterns of femoral bone strain in the hindlimb of armadillos. His work involves collaborations with faculty at Clemson University.

Contact: 4011 WBSH,

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Lab Alumni


Click here if you are interested in joining the lab as an undergraduate or graduate student

Rachel A. Olson

Rachel finished her BS in Biological Sciences at YSU in Fall 2013. She is studying studying muscle architecture and MHC isoform fiber types in the forelimb muscles of two burrowing species, the nine-banded armadillo and eastern chipmunk.

Contact: 4011 WBSH,

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